Saturday, May 15, 2010

Day 3 - Steam action in Kyoto

Another quiet and comfy night but a cold wet and miserable day. After breakfast a subway ride to Kyoto station and then an increasingly damp walk to the Umekoji Steam Locomotive Museum. This is located in a huge half circle roundhouse and is home to 15 steam lomotives.

Of these, seven operate on a regular basis including the one below (a 2-6-0) which hauled a couple of carriages for a short ride.

The Non operating locos are all beautifully presented with accessible cabs.

The museum also contains some interesing displays including a cab with working controls and a movie of how to drive a loco - useful for our trainee driver

Check out more Umekoji Photos

-- Post From Geoff's iPhone

1 comment:

  1. He he, cant go anywhere without finding a steam train or two.
